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The New Year
I feel and see a very different energy in 2007. Yhere has been a lot of guidance coming in from different people about this year. Jean Houston feels that this will be a pivotal year. Solara's guidance says this in another way, and the first World Blessings message for 2007 speaks of this as well. So far, though I continue to feel the potential, my experience these last few weeks is pretty much the same. The inner experience I was having of the expansion of light a few weeks ago has stopped. I feel myself heavily weighted by difficult energies, so there is little inner experience of any movement forward. One of the teachings I've had in these years is how these energies can act like clouds to obscure the sun, to obscure perception of the light. I've witnessed this phenomenon in my own life, and also in the world. I try to remember what my soul knows, even when my physically embodied self is covered by the clouds.
Body Changes
I am feeling some very strong changes happening in my body. Some are not very welcome, like a resurgence of an old problem I've had with inflammation and pain in my knees. One part of me feels that this is coming up in order to be healed ... as I injured the knees last year and they never fully recovered, and another part of my feels distressed and unhappy to be in such pain. In an earlier version of this same difficulty, I developed a similar problem in 1994 after using a stairmaster exercise machine too vigorously. It was a long recovery, and I received a healing in Brazil on Mother's Day which made a dramatic difference and pretty much removed most all of the pain and inflammation. It was a terrible experience to re-injure the knees last year, and they have bothered me ever since, not a lot but moderately. It is a mystery to me why they suddenly are so inflamed and sore right now, so I am placing the knees, and the rest of me in God's hands for a healing.
Forward Movement
Last night the moon was low on the horizon, three quarters full and it lit up the sky in the most magnificent way. I've never seen the moon so close to the horizon like that. I couldn't sleep, and the next day the moon was still present in the day sky, now half full, sitting high in the sky against the majestic snow capped mountains. It was stunning and felt portentous. I felt something moving forward, and today I was able to feel light again for the first time in a while. I've been receiving guidance about many changes ahead, and am doing my best to prepare myself for this. Today's Blessings of the Light message was a strong one and I was told as I was receiving it to pay close attention and apply it to my own situation. Visit this link
The Pain of Transformation
Today my body feels completely contracted. I have a headache, and it feels like I am being squeezed from the inside. Yesterday there was bliss, joy and light, today there is suffering, and the awareness of the larger suffering I am feeling. I feel at one with the Earth and what she is going through. Yesterday it was mild, 60 degrees and somewhat sunny, later on in the afternoon we had strong winds. Today it is overcast and snowing, and I feel the storms on the spiritual levels as well. Changes everywhere, changes in me, and discomfort all around.
Daily Meditation - Spiritual Support in Today's World
In days of old, spiritual life was separate from "regular life". People went to church or temple once a week, and then got on with the rest of their lives. Daily meditation was something that only nuns, priests, rabbis or monks did.In today's world, our understanding... Read Article
New Articles Coming
I'll be publishing some new articles from Light Omega here in this blog, which I hope you will find helpful at this time. Some of the topics include:
There Is No Such Thing As Failure
Becoming Light: The Sacred Practice of Alignment
A Spiritual View of Depression: The Hunger for Light
A Spiritual View of Mental Illness
Listening Within: The Awakening of Intuition
Planetary Ascension
A Spiritual View of Depression
Living as a Soul: The Experience of Oneness
A Sacred Life-Awakening to Spirit
Healing into Light - The Purification of Individuals and of the Earth
With much love,
A Spiritual View of Depression: The Hunger for Light
The symptoms of depression vary from person to person but have enough commonality to have acquired the dimensions of a syndrome or diagnostic picture. Nevertheless, as solid and as real as this picture may seem, what often underlies it is something that relates... Read Article
There Is No Such Thing As Failure
No matter what kind of limitations we live with or create, the labeling of these as failure diminishes the intrinsic respect that needs to be given not just to the outcome of our efforts to improve ourselves and change our lives, but also to the ways in which... Read Article
Healing into Light - The Purification of Individuals and of the Earth
Today, many people on the planet are in need of healing and are suffering through difficult times - some physically, some emotionally, some due to what appear to be external circumstances. In reality, the earth itself is undergoing a global purification which... Read Article
Children of the Light
Many children are coming to earth at this time who have a great contribution to make to the planet and to all of her inhabitants. These are children who already carry more light in their bodies, and their destiny is to disseminate that light in order to uplift... Read Article
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