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September 2006

Change of Season

    Change of Season

    I have had some difficulty adjusting to both the physical change of seasons here in the high desert, and also to the spiritual changes I am feeling. Cold weather came very suddenly a few weeks ago, which has caused much suffering for me physically and also energetically. The decrease in sunlight has also affected me, as I experience greater difficulty energetically at night, and during the day being in sun helps me a great deal. Today is the first sunny day in over a week, and I am grateful for this. I have been unable to work on WorldBlessings.net except to receive guidance when I can, and so many of the updates and new resources are waiting, as I am, for greater light which will make more possible. I can feel in our spiritual work with the Earth here, the great intensity of this moment, and am very grateful for the help given by God and the Realms of Light. I find myself more and more deeply chagrined by the actions of my country in the world arena, and saddened at the blatant expression of arrogance and darkness that my government is manifesting. All this that I see manifested in the world, I feel in my energy bodies in the most extreme ways. God's light is still present, even now, and I look forward to when light can expand in a more direct and tangible way on the Earth.

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