
To a journey of self-discovery and to the light within you that shines on all.

Our Shine Your Light newsletter can help you stay aligned in today's changing world.  Yes, Please!

You Are a Radiant and Magnificent Child of the Divine!

Welcome dearest one!  I know you might not exactly feel radiant or magnificent these days, as we are all living through a time of such huge transition, transformation and challenge in our world.

In fact, you might feel quite the opposite if you've been through a number of unwanted, unplanned or unexpected life changes recently.

There is another part of you that knows why you are here on the Earth, and that has a unique, sacred and special purpose for being here.

There is something in your heart that only YOU can express, manifest, and give to the world.

And NOW is the time for you to come forth!

Spiritual Healing and Planetary Transformation

Spiritual healing is the process of returning Home to the remembrance of our our true inner nature, which is love, peace, joy and wholeness.  In that process, we learn how to separate from all that keeps us apart from that love. 

We have a unique, precious and sacred opportunity at this time to grow, learn, and rediscover that which is most central to who we are.  In it's highest form, our process of learning and discovery is intended to bless and empower others.  

You have a beautiful, unique and precious gift to give the world dearest one, by your being fully your true and authentic divine soul Self, here on the Earth. 

This is a precious opportunity to come to know and feel your own divinity, and to manifest your heart's desire on the Earth.  You are welcomed and invited to participate with us here to share and learn and grow together. With deepest love and blessings, Mashubi Shekiniah

Daily Meditations and Inspiration

There is no question that many of us are struggling every day now, with so many challenges in our daily lives as the entire fabric of life on our planet changes drastically, almost every day now!

Many of us feel frightened, overwhelmed, confused and we don't know where to turn for guidance.

The answer, for each one of us, is to find and develop our own source of inner wisdom, that can nourish, support and guide us during these troubled times.

We have a number of resources that you may find helpful!

Online Healing Events

You are welcome to join us for our live online healing events, these are open to allSee our calendar for our schedule!

Daily Spiritual Guidance Messages from the Realms of Light

I am regularly receiving spiritual guidance about what is happening for ourselves and our beautiful planet which I share each weekday here at World Blessings Daily Messages of Light.  

These messages from the Realms of Light offer insight to us about the transformation of the Earth, how it is affecting us and what we can do to go through this time with greater ease and peace.  I also share some of these messages in our newsletter.

Get your free subscription to our Shine Your Light Newsletter

Learning How to Experience Our True Inner Being

In these extremely challenging times, it is important to find a way to stay connected with our hearts, and our inner source of nourishment.

My beloved teacher GurujiMa offers a number of regularly online events such as morning meditations that are available to all, that you can participate in by visiting the Light Omega Calendar at her website.

There is a beautiful and palpable feeling of spiritual light her presence, and the events that she offers are uplifting and supportive throughout the day!

More Spiritual Healing Resources

Update for 2024 - We Are In Transition!

 World Blessings has been online since 2005 and are in the process of updating all of our sites.  Thanks for your patience!

For our most recent updates please request a free subscription to our Shine Your Light Newsletter.

More About Spiritual Healing

The journey of spiritual healing creates wholeness within the self and returns us home to the awareness of God's love. Healing from the spiritual levels of our being is based on the understanding that we are healed and made whole through re-discovering our connection with God, the true healer.

The focus of this website is on helping you proceed to the next step of your healing journey through facilitating such an experience - one that is arrived at in unique ways for each individual soul.

Spiritual healing affects all levels of our being - physical, emotional, mental, and energetic. True healing can uplift and transform. It can bring us into alignment with the deepest and most precious aspects of ourselves.

The journey of healing brings us into a new identity that is based not solely on our individual consciousness, but on an awakened planetary consciousness that experiences itself as one with all of life.

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