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Daily Blessings Issue #103 -- What is Healing? November 04, 2005 |
Hello Dear Ones, What is Healing?What is healing? We've heard it said that healing is the process of become whole, of returning to one's original essence. We would say that healing at this time on the Earth is a special and unique experience and circumstance, for there is a movement towards large scale completion that is happening. It is as though the Earth herself is completing a cycle of her history, and so all beings incarnated upon her and with her are affected by this movement.The Earth is a beautiful and living being whose great love has manifested in her patient endurance of so much unconsciousness and ignorance on the part of her children. The Earth is ready now to spread her wings, to expand her energy body to a higher vibration of God's Light. Her entire physical body is now in the throes of this process of transition. Those who live upon the Earth can help her in this transition, by holding an awareness of her nature as a living being, and by sending her love and gratitude for nurturing and holding and sheltering humanity for so many eons, even though largely ignored by those that she loves so deeply. The Earth at this time holds no malice, no need for punishment or retribution; however her energy body does need to expand. She does not wish to hurt people, only to move forward into the next phase of her evolution. All souls incarnated on the Earth at this time have chose to be here, for this important transition which offers unique possibilities for healing, transformation and redemption that have not been possible before in human history. At this time, prayer is essential both to support the Earth in her work, and also to support all souls on the Earth who are experiencing great intensity as life accelerates. All souls are connected, all souls are One, and this time of transition holds great gifts for all those who seek to open to God's reality and God's love. We wish to support all souls who are awakening at this time, and ask that you share these messages with all those who are needing comfort, love and healing.
With all love and gratitude for your work, and your presence with us during this momentous time on the Earth. May all beings be blessed with God's holy love and peace. Amen.
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