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Daily Blessings Issue #086 -- Under The Surface October 07, 2005 |
Hello Dear Ones, Under The SurfaceThere is a movement of deep change afoot, only part of which is visible to human eyes. The change is happening vibrationally on the Earth and also within the hearts of human beings.For those of you who have been working diligently to see positive change manifest in your lives, we ask you to not despair if that which you long for is slow to appear. The slowness of manifestation is not a sign that you are on the wrong path, it is simply a sign of the profound depth of transformation that is being manifested. For those who wish for more in your lives, who are seeking greater love, peace, truth, rest and comfort during difficult times, we offer you the support and nourishment of God's love, which is flowing freely to all those on the Earth who pray for this and ask for it. In your prayer and meditation time, pour your heart out to God and ask and pray for that which you hope for. Share your feelings, thoughts and dreams. Do not hide even your feelings of anger, frustration or difficulty. Bring all to God and ask for healing. Bring all to God and ask for hope. Bring all to God and ask for comfort and peace. We are present and available to assist, and there are many beings available to assist all those on the Earth at this time. Pray for this and you will be guided and supported, and helped through this time of passage.
May all beings be blessed.
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