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Daily Blessings Issue #159 -- The Time of Activation February 27, 2006 |
Hello Dear Ones, The Time of ActivationThe new life that is dawning for all of humanity has already begun. A new pathway of God's light has been created, so that the higher dimensions of spiritual light can now enter into the three dimensional physically manifest world of form.This new time has deep meaning for all souls who suffer in separation, fear, despair, and darkness, and for all souls who seek deeply the true and living experience of God's reality in their lives. This new pathway will allow all souls a greater communication with the Realms of Light and with the spiritual dimensions of the universe. Guidance, messages and communications that previously could not be received are now more easily accessible by those whose hearts long to receive higher truth. Portals of negative energy that previously interfered with the opening to Light are now closing, and will continue to be closed and will eventually be sealed, preventing a return to old patterns of negativity. Those caught in the throes of addiction will find new hope arising from the opening of Light that will make a more direct experience of lasting healing possible. Those of the light who have been challenged by meeting contraction, interference, and a lack of openness in the face of their efforts to expand light, will find new avenues opening now. This new time has arrived and with it, brings a new responsibility to those on the Earth who are awakening. The previous era required skills of patience, love, faith and perseverance in the face of opposition. These skills will continue to be needed, and now there is a need for those of the light who are called to service, to to step forward with courage into the work that has been prepared for them. The spiritual work and mission of each one is unique, and necessary to the unfoldment of God's plan. The responsibilities of awakening also ask that those who accept God's call open their hearts, release old burdens, forgive old debts, and step forward into a new life. This life may not be the one you envisioned with your smaller self, but it is the one planned for and created at the beginning of time by your larger self that knew and understood the holy purpose for being here on Earth at this time. If you look with God's eyes at the sky, the trees and the Earth around you, you will see them celebrating the arrival of this new and holy time, the time of awakening and activation. For some at this time, this activation will involve stepping into your larger spiritual identity. For others, this activation process will begin a profound process of fully releasing you from all in your life and self that does not serve God's purpose and your soul's purpose. For those who have been in service to God for a very long time, this activation will bring to fruition the work you have been doing. For the Earth as well, the activation process will involve stepping into a new phase of her evolutionary unfoldment. This will continue to bring unpredictable weather patterns and sudden changes on the Earth's surface, and we appreciate the prayers of all those who are called to pray for the Earth, and for all beings on the Earth who are being affected by these changes.
Now during the time of activation we offer deepest gratitude and blessings to all those whose work has made possible this wondrous new beginning for humanity. With all love and blessings, Amen.
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