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Daily Blessings Issue #065 -- The Changing Of The Times September 02, 2005 |
Hello Dear Ones, The Changing Of The TimesNow has come to pass the beginning of what has been prophesied. Many have been alerted to the serious nature of the times of change ahead. Those times have arrived now.The question in every open heart is "what can I do?" Times of crisis test us and show us what is within us. We see where our truth and faith and love really reside within us. Fear is a natural response to a devastating event. And we say to you that that is an opportunity now to firm yourself in your faith, for God has not abandoned His children. The body of Mother Earth is in turmoil, and does not harbor bad intention, only the need to expand beyond Her current limits into a new vibration. The terrible tragedy and crisis is not cause for blame or anger, only cause for deep compassion, and open hearted response. Now is the time to look deeply, truthfully within yourself. See where you are motivated by God's love and the desire to share it ... and where are you motivated by fear? In the future, it is the motivation of love and service that will bring people together and accomplish much. The motivation of fear, anger and greed will only lead to more destruction as you are seeing now in the storm devastated regions of New Orleans where desperate, terrified, angry people resort to violence, multiplying this energy which grows rapidly and speads like a cancer. This event marks a choice point for humanity and for each individual soul witnessing it. What is motivating you? What are you committed to? What are your priorities? In a desperate situation, what would you do? These questions, if you allow them to percolate within your heart and consciousness, will lead you to brand new level of yourself. Your soul came here with a profound purpose, one which is on the brink of manifesting in a fuller and more complete way. You each have a role to play in the times ahead. You are each irreplaceable and precious to God -- and precious to the world. There is a crisis now in the US which will have many repercussions. This is an opportunity now for people of heart, people of God to come together in love and unity. You cannot create unity outside of yourself if you are not unified within yourself. Choose now to see yourself clearly, truthfully. free from illusion. Where are you connected with God and faith, and where are you not? Ask God in truth and love, how you can best serve at this time. If needed, seek support and assistance with your own process of purification and transformation. Give yourself love, for that is what is needed in these times. Give others love, for all beings suffer when a large tragedy occurs. Go within and search deeply -- ask "what God can I do today to serve you?". Ask and you shall receive the answer. Your actions and consciousness in God, your ability and willingness to hold love in the face of crisis, chaos, devastation and fear, will be a profound support to those souls struggling in the midst of shock, grief and displacement that have occurred. We speak not only of the crisis in the US but the tragedy in Iraq, the tsunamis in Asia and other massive events occurring, some of which are not reported by the media but that are equally challenging. Now is the time for God's love to shine even more brightly within you. You were created for these times, and the times ahead, and your presence is needed. We ask your assistance and we thank you for your work. We bless you and are always with you.
May the world be blessed with the unity of souls coming together with one Heart in God's love. Amen
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