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Daily Inspiration and Spiritual Guidance, Issue #028 -- Terrorism And The Energy Of Fear July 20, 2005 |
Hello Dear Ones, Terrorism And The Energy Of FearIn your world today as more Light is being sent to Earth, the energies of darkness are becoming more visible to all. These energies are being acted out by those people whose inner connection with God has become distorted and covered over.Many of these people who find themselves committing acts of atrocity are not aware that they have lost their way. They believe themselves to be in the Light. These souls cause much suffering for others. It is not difficult to pray for and feel compassion for the victims of terrorism, for these countless tragedies happening every day do wound the heart of the Creator who weeps for every life lost, every innocence betrayed. We ask that you also keep in your heart and prayers the perpetrators of these terrible acts ... for these souls have fallen from their hearts, and the terrible suffering they have wreaked will come back to them. The universal laws of cause and effect do not lack mercy or compassion, but they are certain. That which is done to another eventually is experienced by that soul themselves, so they may deeply understand God's reality that we are all One. These souls that have fallen need your prayers, for they have much suffering ahead. The perpetrators of fear will know fear themselves. The redemption of Christ is the prayer to pray for this time on Earth - that all darkness be transformed, that all hurts be healed, and that all of God's children will come to know themselves a holy, and as One. See ancient prophecies May all pain be comforted. May all beings be at peace. May all suffering be relieved. May God's holy redemption through Christ be accomplished on Earth. Amen New IdentityToday's guidance from the tarot is the 2 of wands which represents the planting of a seed of a new identity that has recently opened up within our beings. As we progress on the spiritual path, we come to know ourselves more and more as children of God. Over time we find ourselves releasing older and more limited identities that no longer serve our new reality. The guidance from this card asks us to take good care of this new seed that has been planted within us. It will need water, sunlight, daily attention and love to put down roots so that it can grow and flourish.Received with gratitude and love,
Mashubi Rochell
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