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Daily Blessings Issue #116 -- The Purpose of Testing November 26, 2005 |
Hello Dear Ones, The Purpose of TestingWhat is the purpose of testing in a spiritual life? Why does it happen that we experience times of challenge where our faith in God is tested?To answer these questions one must first understand that there is a much larger context to an individual life experience than can be understood from the surface. The embodied earthly experience of all souls involves times of testing, challenge and difficulty. This is true for all, not just those who are involved in developing a conscious spiritual awareness. The lives of some who have chosen a spiritual path can be seen as carrying more challenge and more testing of faith. These souls have elected in their spiritual journey to undergo a process of purification in order to more fully serve God. This process makes whole all within the soul that has been out of balance, and is a profound and at time arduous journey. This process in its totality is not required of all souls; however it is happening for all beings on the Earth in some fashion because the being of the Earth itself is undergoing a vibrational shift. Greater Light is being sent to the Earth, which accelerates the spiritual transformation process of all. The experience of greater amounts of God's Light acts to illuminate all within a soul that has become separated from God's wholeness. This illumination process brings to the forefront of consciousness buried thoughts, feelings, memories and traumas that previously were not ready to be healed and brought into God's wholeness. The healing process happens as the soul becomes conscious of what has previously been un-bearable, and through prayer, meditation and healing relationship, is able to allow the buried pain from the past to come to consciousness. It is the consciousness itself, and the ability of the soul to hold this pain with God, rather than by separating from God, that creates a profound healing. This process of purification is sacred, and each one who undergoes it brings greater Light to the world through the opening of their own heart. The times that a soul is tested to remain faithful to God, to remain connected to love, to act from love rather than motivations of greed or selfishness, provide the foundation for true and lasting healing. Great rewards lie ahead for the soul that remains faithful to God through times of difficulty. Begin now, in the areas of your life that are challenged, to bring your difficulties before God with an open heart. Ask and pray for help to bear those burdens that are heavy. Know that you are not alone in your suffering, even if the circumstances around you make it appear so. Hold fast to your heart, to your faith, and to God who loves you tenderly and cares for you deeply.
With all love and blessings as you enter the last days of 2005, which will bring completion to your spiritual work and will open new pathways of Light for 2006. Amen.
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