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Daily Blessings Issue #160 -- New Hope Arising Now March 01, 2006 |
Hello Dear Ones, New Hope Arising NowAll the heavens are celebrating the emergence of a new Light upon the Earth. Some are able to feel this within themselves, as a ray of hope in the heart that was not there before, or as new possibilities emerging from situations that were previously intractable and closed.This new Light was born amidst suffering and difficulty, and is alive now, fully manifested on the Earth. Though the Light is but a seed of what will come, previously this light was present only in the energy bodies of the Earth, in the minds and hearts and bodies of those in service to God, and in the mind of God who created and planned for this time that is now occurring. The entrance of God's Light fully into physical manifestation brings now a new realm of possibility to all those who suffer, who are trapped in intractable situations, and especially to those who are wandering lost, disconnected from their heart's true Oneness with God. In order for this new seed of Light to grow, strengthen and expand, those from the Realms of Light who assist the spiritual evolution of Earth are sending forth a powerful beacon of God's Light to all open hearts. This clarion call will be heard differently by each soul, but it's message is the same. The call of God's heart to human hearts resounds now in the atmosphere and energy bodies of the Earth, beckoning for all souls to return Home to their soul's true origins, their soul's true knowing of God's love. Now more than ever before, spiritual guidance and spiritual teachings are being brought forth to assist all souls to find their way safely Home to their true birthright. Intuition and guidance that may have previously been unavailable is now awakening within the consciousness of many. Listen in the stillness of your heart to the inner wisdom that is seeded within you, placed there before your birth in this life to assist you to find your way Home. For some this inner voice has long been silenced by other concerns and priorities, and so some time and patience and meditation practice will be required to re-learn how to listen within. For others this inner wisdom has been available and now will be made available more clearly and powerfully, for the benefit of all.
At this time the angels, archangels and hosts of heaven celebrate what is beginning now as a new phase in the evolution of the Earth and all those incarnated upon her. New hope is arising as the presence of God's Light anchors now within physical form to begin the sacred and holy process of redemption for all of humanity. With all love and blessings, Amen.
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