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Daily Blessings Issue #144 -- Moments of Transition February 03, 2006 |
Hello Dear Ones, Moments of TransitionThe time between an old state of being and a new one can be both blessed and fraught with challenges. The bigger the change, the greater the resistance that arises to oppose the change. The more Light manifests, the greater the energies of darkness are that attempt to halt that which is being born.It is important to understand that the energies of darkness that arise, though potent, are finite and cannot partake of the eternal One-ness of God. Though the darkness will appear to be eternal, unending and permanently entrenched in a situation, God's Light is stronger than even the most powerful forces of darkness, and eventually will be dissolved into the greater whole from which it came. This truth, rooted in the ancient principles of God's creation, allows all of God's children at every moment, to have the choice of responding to life from the consciousness of separation or the consciousness of One-ness. At this time on the Earth, with the process of purification escalating in full measure, the energies and actions of darkness, both in cosmic form and working through people, are being exposed for all to see. The test of this time is to meet these energies, and their manifestations, with truth, love and faith, rather than fear, anger and mistrust of God. The shining of God's Light grows brighter on the planet daily, opening innumerable new possibilities for all of humanity. The light is exposing, releasing and transforming the negative energies both within individuals, and on the Earth herself who is also undergoing a process of purification. Comfort can be found during these intense times, through sharing God's love with your fellow human beings, and through developing a deeper inner relationship with God and with those in the spiritual realms who guide and watch over you daily. Each soul on the Earth is supported in a myriad of ways by loved ones who are not visible in body but who are present in the heart, the aura and the consciousness. These loving souls that accompany all physically embodied beings are available and accessible through prayer and devoted, regular periods of meditation that quiet the mind to allow for the receiving of direct communication. All souls receive profoundly individualized support from the spiritual realms, and there are some souls who have taken on extra responsibilities in order to be of service to God. These Lightworkers, teachers and Masters have elected to be of service to God, to humanity, and to the Earth. Their additional challenges and burdens are supported by the spiritual realms in the specialized ways that are needed for each one, in order to give every possibility of success for their mission.
Those from the realms of spirit have a deep and abiding love and respect for all souls incarnated on the Earth at this time, and are readily available to offer assistance, guidance, support and love. The simple act of creating time and space within your life to listen, to quiet the mind and to open to God's love, will allow you greater access to the abundant love that is already available. With all love and blessings, Amen.
News Update - The Daily Blessings will be on an irregular publications schedule after February 4, 2006 as we will have limited internet access after this time. We'll let you know, as soon as we know, when the regular schedule will resume.
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