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Daily Blessings Issue #088 -- Growing Your Heart Larger October 11, 2005 |
Hello Dear Ones, Growing Your Heart LargerAt this time on the Earth it may seem that there is too much suffering all around us. Because of global communications, we can participate with the earthquake victims in Pakistan, the hurricane victims in the southern US, and with the multiple daily tragedies happening through war in the Middle East.What is the purpose of such suffering? Why does God allow such things? How are we to respond in the face of such pain? These are the questions that come to every open heart as we witness our fellow souls on the Earth struggling with disasters and upheavals of life, and with unspeakable difficulties. At this time, it is tempting to close down our hearts to feeling. The pain seems too much to bear, and we feel we do not have the strength or the willingness to stay present to what is happening around us. In the presence of great suffering, the closing of the heart actually makes the pain and the pressure worse, for the human heart was created to be a divine connector among souls, to create unity, comfort and strength. What is more helpful, both for oneself and for one's fellow souls who are undergoing suffering, is to pray to grow your heart larger. By this we mean not physically larger, but energetically larger. A larger heart can love more, open more, feel more, and can strengthen others by its courage and willingness to be present fully to the realities that are happening. A larger heart can offer comfort to others, and can be a source of inner strength in the face of adversity. God's desire is that all souls return Home to the divine love that is their source. This love can be found at every moment, even in the most difficult of circumstances. It is found in the heart, and within God's heart which speaks at every moment to human hearts, and can lift even the most downtrodden spirit with its divine infusion of God's Light. All souls have access to God's divine heart, through the gift of prayer. We bless all souls who are committed to prayer at this time. The prayers for those who are suffering, prayers to open your heart, prayers to be of greater service, and prayers that God's love be sent to all those in need, all are welcome and appreciated at this time. May all beings be comforted. May all beings be blessed. Amen.
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