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Daily Blessings Issue #113 -- Communication With Spirit November 21, 2005 |
Hello Dear Ones, Communication With SpiritThe transformation of the Earth, and the transformation of each individual on the Earth, is a partnership between those beings who are incarnated in bodies upon the Earth, and those beings connected with the Earth who live in the realms of Spirit.There is a constant communication happening between those embodied beings who are on the Earth to serve God, and those from the spiritual realms who are in service to the transformation of the Earth. One of the ways that those of the spiritual realms communicate with those who are embodied on the Earth is through divine intuition. Many times the embodied individual does not realize they are being guided by spirit. Instead, they feel a sense of inspiration, upliftment, or opening within their consciousness that leads them forward in their life mission. All human beings carry within themselves the capacity to listen and hear divine intuition and guidance from the spiritual realms. This gift is more highly cultivated for some, and for some souls is a lost art that must be regained through patient re-connection with the heart. This natural form of communication, between those embodied and those from the realms of spirit, is meant to be a support and a form of spiritual nourishment and upliftment. Today, the spiritual realms of the Earth are actively speaking to all those who will listen, to share the knowledge of these momentous times, and of the good news of God's Light and love that is being sent ever more strongly to all God's children. Those that guide this work are many, and they seek to support all of God's children in returning Home to the divine consciousness and awareness of God's love, God's Light and God's divine freedom. To be able to hear those that are offering their love, guidance and support to you from the realms of spirit, make a commitment to sit in quiet meditation and prayer each day, and create a sacred space both within your home and within your consciousness to be able to receive what is offered. Then share that love which is offered, with those around you. This is how God's plan of divine redemption and healing is to manifest, created a sacred and holy planet. We are blessed to share and communicate these messages with you, so that you may go forth and share God's love with all those who are in need, and with all those beings on the Earth who hunger and thirst for God's love and Light. May all beings be deeply nourished and blessed by the divine holy light of God. Amen.
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