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Daily Inspiration and Spiritual Guidance, Issue #031 -- Carrying Forward Time July 25, 2005 |
Hello Dear Ones, Carrying Forward TimeThe moment for change is arriving now and we ask that you make ready within yourself a clear space that is ready to receive more of God's Light.If you have been encumbered with excess baggage, whether physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually,now is the time to let this go. Release with gratitude all that no longer serves you. Do not fear the emptiness, for within that emptiness a new life will be born. Trust in the ability of your Spirit to carry forward that which is eternal within you. That which is most precious and sacred within you is unchanging and will be made ready to move into a new level of Being. Aspire to be as an empty cup, waiting to be filled with God's grace. Readiness To Step ForwardToday's guidance from the tarot is the Knight of Wands, which is the symbol of our readiness to step forward into the world with a new identity. This card celebrates a movement to a new place within ourselves. We are ready now to commit ourselves to our new direction, and to step out into world and take a journey forward.The suit of Wands is related to the Fire element and is a symbol of our identity ... both our current ways of seeing ourselves, and also the identity we aspire to that is fully and completey connected with God. In the tarot there are four court cards, starting with the Page, then Knight, Queen and King. The Page is the symbol of a beginner who is asked to be open, to learn many new things as an apprentice would. At a certain point there is a shift in his learning process and he is ready to make a commitment to a direction. At this point the Page graduates to the level of the Knight. He is given a horse to assist him in moving forward, a suit of armor (a symbol of God's protection) as he goes forward into the world, and the blessing of those that guide him in his mission. This card today encourages us to move forward in the new directions that have unfolded for us, with gratitude for the love and support and blessing of God who has made this transition possible. Received and shared with gratitude and love,
Mashubi Rochell
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