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Daily Inspiration and Spiritual Guidance, Issue #018 -- Trusting Yourself July 08, 2005 |
Hello Dear Ones, Trusting YourselfDuring the process of purification, one discovers the hidden corners of the self that previously had been buried. At times this discovery process can shake the founations of ones identity. For example a minister, faithfully serving God for decades may suddenly discover within himself a hidden motivation of rage at God.The soul discovers it is not entirely what it would wish to be. This process can bring about a crisis of confidence in oneself. Having discovered parts of oneself that are in need of healing is a cause not for shame, but of rejoicing. Rejoice for the release of old patterns of pain that no longer serve. Rejoice in the Light and truth that is present and moving through your life, sweeping away the past and moving you in the present toward the future. Trust yourself, in the innate goodness of your inner being. No matter what darkness you discover within yourself, know that God loves you and that the essence of your soul is divine Purity and goodness. Rejoice in God's plan, the holy purpose of bringing all beings home to Himself. Trust in God who lives in you. The Process of BuildingToday's symbolic guidance is the 8 of discs from the tarot. This card represents the slow steady work of building and manifesting on the physical plane. It also represents work that carries you through life in a grounded way. The card depicts a craftsman, creating a disc (a round disc with a star on it). He has 6 more discs, already created, that are anchored to a tree. Another disc is waiting on the ground to be worked on.This symbol also relates to the process of purification, which is a spiritual process that is undertaken within the framework of daily life on the physical plane. The process of purification lays a foundation for a new way of living,working, and being grounded with God, within our daily lives. It is a step by step process which requires patience and a willingness to hold the bigger picture of God's life within the daily and sometimes mundane tasks of life. Received with gratitude and love,
Mashubi Rochell
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