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Daily Inspiration and Spiritual Guidance, Issue #025 -- The Importance of Rest July 16, 2005 |
Hello Dear Ones, The Importance of RestOn the spiritual path one's entire body, mind and spirit are transformed, realigned and brought into a new level of being.God's Light acts to physically purify the cells of your body. In order for the body, mind and spirit to fully release the old, space must be made within your life and your consciousness for rest. Rest is an act of trust in God that you are able and willing to allow Him to work in your life and your body and your consciousness according to His timing. Rest allows God's Light to completely fulfill God's purpose within your being. May all beings be at peace. May all beings know comfort and rest and peace in their spirits. Difficult EmotionsToday's guidance from the tarot is the 5 of cups which is a symbol of our need to face difficult feelings within ourselves. The card depicts a man in a black cape with his head down, grieving in front of 3 cups whose content has spilled onto the ground and are now empty. In back of him are two cups that are full and still standing, which are supporting him. He cannot see the two cups that are still standing, because he is completely immersed in the experience of dealing with the loss of the three cups that are empty.This card also recommends that no matter what difficulties, disappointments and grief that we must face in the present moment, that we not forget the blessings and love and support that is around us. God's love is always present for us, and this is an opportunity to ask for support and connect with those in your life who love you and support you. If relationships are your area of challenge, this is a good time to pray for healing in this area and for supportive and loving relationships to begin to manifest in your life. Received with gratitude and love,
Mashubi Rochell
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