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Daily Blessings Issue #054 -- The Power of Gods Light August 21, 2005 |
Hello Dear Ones, The Power of Gods LightGods Light is one of the miracles of creation. It can be felt and sometimes even seen, but is not yet of the physical world. Gods Light is a vibration that can be felt in the heart, and sometimes with the entire body.Gods Light is growing on the Earth and those who can perceive this are blessed with a greater acceleration of spiritual transformation. There is aspect of Gods Light that is important to understand now and for the future. Gods light as a vibration is stronger than the energy of negativity or darkness that is so prevalent on the Earth today. See Light and darkness. Gods Light can and will transform this current trend of negativity that is expressing itself in the world. The reason for this is that Gods Light is the vibration of holiness and oneness. The energy of darkness is an expression of the will to separate from God, however it too is ultimately part of the oneness. Darkness can never radiate with the Light and love that opens peoples hearts and souls to their own divine gift. The power of Gods light is the love that transforms, heals, comforts and uplifts. The power of darkness creates fear, and a forgetting of Gods reality. It can temporarily obscure your own connection with God, but it can never take that away from you. The next time you hear the voice of fear or despair within your consciousness, remember that this is a temporary state, and turn to God for help. Gods love and Light is eternal and shines within you brightly, more brightly than you know. Gods love and Light created you and all of physical manifestation. Your physical body is created by Gods love and Light. Gods light can overcome any negativity or hurt within you, within your relationships, and within your world. Commit yourself to embodying more of Gods love and Light in your daily life, and you will become aware of this major shift of consciousness that is taking place for humanity. You are greatly loved by God and by those beings who are committed to assisting you. We hope you can feel our gratitude and appreciation for your works on the Earth. Each soul you uplift adds more light to the world and helps to transform the negativity. You each have your own unique place in this time. We thank you. We bless you. May all beings anchor firmly in the certainty of Gods love. Amen. Received and shared with gratitude and love, Mashubi Rochell Copyright ©2005
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